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Feature-Based Molecular Networking (FBMN)


The Feature-Based Molecular Networking (FBMN) is a computational method that bridges popular mass spectrometry data processing tools for LC-MS/MS and molecular networking analysis on GNPS. The tools supported are: MZmine2, OpenMS, MS-DIAL, MetaboScape, XCMS, and Progenesis QI.

The main documentation for Feature-Based Molecular Networking is provided below.

The Feature-Based Molecular Networking (FBMN) workflow is available on GNPS via:


This work builds on the efforts of our many colleagues, please make sure to cite the papers for their processing tools and the GNPS paper:

Wang, M. et al. Sharing and community curation of mass spectrometry data with Global Natural Products Social Molecular Networking. Nat. Biotechnol. 34, 828–837 (2016).

The citations from the mass spectrometry processing tools you used [MZmine2, OpenMS, MS-DIAL, MetaboScape, and XCMS].

Mass Spectrometry Data Processing for the Feature Based Molecular Networking Workflow

In brief, mass spectrometry processing softwares have been adapted to export two files (feature quantification table and MS/MS spectral summary) files that can be used with the Feature Based Molecular Networking (FBMN) workflow on GNPS. These softwares and their main features are presented in the table below, along with a step-by-step documentation to use for FBMN on GNPS:

Processing tool FBMN Documentation Interface Platform Code availability Target user
MZmine2 See documentation Graphical UI Any Open source Mass spectrometrists
MS-DIAL See documentation Graphical UI Windows Open source Mass spectrometrists
OpenMS See documentation Commandline Any Open source Bioinformaticians and developers
XCMS3 See documentation Commandline Any Open source Bioinformaticians and developers
MetaboScape See documentation Graphical UI Windows Proprietary code Mass spectrometrists

IMPORTANT: The software use for the LC-MS/MS data processing have to be configured and utilized as recommended by the software documentation.

Currently, we are recommending using the MZmine2 workflow, as it has been thoroughly tested. See the documentation here and the following MZmine2 video tutorial:

The Feature Based Molecular Networking Workflow in GNPS

There is a dedicated Feature-Based Molecular Networking workflow on GNPS that can be accessed here (you need to be logged in GNPS first).

Requirement for the FBMN workflow

You will need three input files (test files for each software are accessible here):

  1. The Feature Table with the intensity of ion features (TXT or CSV format).
  2. The MS/MS spectral file with the list of MS/MS spectra for the ion features (.MGF File).
  3. [Optional] the Metadata table - described here

SuperQuick Feature Based Molecular Networking Workflow

A simplified interace for Super Quick web interace for FBMN is available here.


Running the SuperQuick FBMN

  1. Indicate your email and your GNPS Credentials.
  2. Select the 'Feature Generation tool'.
  3. Select the parameters preset.
  4. Drag and drop your "feature quantification table" and "MS/MS spectral file" (.MGF). See the respective documentation for FBMN each tool.
  5. Optional. Drag and drop a metadata table.
  6. Click on "Analyze Uploaded Files with GNPS Molecular Networking".

While this SuperQuick FBMN interface is convenient for quick analysis, we recommend using the standard FBMN workflow presented below that made possible to modify all the workflow parameters.

Overview of the "standard" Feature Based Molecular Networking Workflow


Select the software used for the LC-MS/MS data processing


Molecular Networks Options

Basic Options


Parameter Description Default
Precursor Ion Mass Tolerance (PIMT) Parameter used for MS-Cluster and spectral library search. Specify the precursor ions mass tolerance, in Daltons. This value influences the aforementioned clustering of nearly-identical MS/MS spectra via MS-Cluster. Note that the value of this parameters should be consistent with the capabilities of the mass spectrometer and the specific instrument method used to generated the MS/MS data. Recommended Values value is ± 0.02 Da for high-resolution instruments (q-TOF, q-Orbitrap) and ± 2.0 Da for low-resolution instruments (ion traps, QqQ). 0.02
Fragment Ion Mass Tolerance (FIMT) Parameters used for MS-Cluster, molecular networking, and MS/MS spectral library searches. For every group of MS/MS spectra being considered for clustering (consensus spectrum creation), this value specifies how much fragment ions can be shifted from their expected m/z values. Recommended Values value is ± 0.02 Da for high-resolution instruments (q-TOF, q-Orbitrap) and ± 0.5 Da for low-resolution instruments (ion traps, QqQ). 0.02

Advanced Molecular Network Options

set title

Parameter Description Default Notes
Min Pairs Cos Minimum cosine score that must occur between a pair of consensus MS/MS spectra in order for an edge to be formed in the molecular network 0.7 Lower value will increase the size of the clusters by inducing the clustering of less related MS/MS spectra, higher value will limit do the opposite.
Minimum Matched Fragment Ion (Min Matched Peaks) Parameters used for molecular networking. The minimum number of common fragment ions that are shared by two separate consensus MS/MS spectra in order to be connected by an edge in the molecular network 6 A low value will permit linkages between spectra of molecules with few similar fragment ions, but it will result in many more less-related spectra being connected to the network. An higher value will do the opposite. Default value is 6, but note that this parameters should be adjusted depending on the experimental conditions for mass spectra acquisition (such as mode of ionisation, fragmentation conditions, and the mobile phase, ...), and the collision-induced fragmentation behavior of the molecules of interest within the samples. High molecular weight (MW) compounds, and compounds with more hetero-atoms will generally tend to produce more fragment ions. However, this rule cannot be systematized. For example, some lipids with high MW generate only few fragment ions.
Maximum shift between precursors The maximum structure modification mass between two spectra to be considered direct neighbors in a molecular network 500 The maximum mass difference between two connected nodes in a molecular network.
Network TopK Maximum number of neighbor nodes for one single node 10 The edge between two nodes are kept only if both nodes are within each other's ‘TopK’ most similar nodes. For example, if this value is set at 20, then a single node may be connected to up to 20 other nodes. Keeping this value low makes very large networks (many nodes) much easier to visualize.
Maximum Connected Component Size Maximum size of nodes allowed in a single connected network 100 Maximum size of nodes allowed in a single connected network. Nodes within a single connected molecular network will be separated by increasing cosine threshold for that specific connected molecular network. Default value is 100. Use 0 to allow an unlimited number of nodes in a single network. Note that with large datasets, or when a great number of related molecules are in the dataset, this value should be higher (or turn to 0) to retain as much information as possible. Downstream, these larger networks can be visualized using Cytoscape layout algorithms that can increase the intra-network clustering, allowing to visualize spectral groups in the network despite the number of nodes in the network.

Advanced Spectral Library Search Options

set title

Parameter Description Default
Library Search Min Matched Peaks Minimum number of common fragment ions that MS/MS spectra should contain in order to be considered for spectral library annotation. Default value is 6, but note that this parameters should be tuned depending of the molecule of interest, and the experimental conditions (such as the ionisation mode, and the fragmentation conditions, ...). For example, collision-induced fragmentation of some lipids produce only few fragment ions. A lower value will allow clustering of MS/MS spectra containing less fragment ions, however it will also induce clustering of MS/MS spectra from different molecular-type to be connected in one network. An higher value will do the opposite 6
Score Threshold Minimum cosine score that MS/MS spectra should get in spectral matching with MS/MS spectral libraries in order to be considered an annotation. 0.7
Search Analogs Will search data for analogs to library spectra Don't Search
Maximum Analog Search Mass Difference Maximum mass shift between library and putative analog found 100 (Da)

|Top results to report per query|Number of matches to report for each feature| 1 |

Advanced Filtering Options (for Spectra)

set title

Parameter Description Default
Minimum Peak Intensity All fragment ions in the MS/MS spectrum below this raw intensity will be deleted. By default, no filter. 0
Filter Precursor Window All peaks in a +/- 17 Da around precursor ion mass are deleted. By default, yes filter. This removes the residual precursor ion, which is frequently observed in MS/MS spectra acquired on qTOFs. Filter
Filter library Apply peak filters to library Filter
Filter peaks in 50Da Window Filter out peaks that are not in the top 6 most intense peaks in a +/- 50Da window Filter

Advanced quantification options

There are additional normalization options specifically for the FBMN workflow:

Parameter Description Default
Normalization Per File Total Ion Current (TIC) normalization can be applied to the ion intensities (LC-MS1 peak area) per sample (NOT RECOMMENDED AS DEFAULT) No Norm
Aggregation Method for Peak Abundances Per Group The ion feature intensity (LC-MS1 peak area) can be aggregated by GROUPS from the metadatable with either a Sum or Average (RECOMMENDED, because more robust to the number of samples per GROUPS). Average


Inspecting the Results of FBMN on GNPS

After the completion of the FBMN job (this will take from 10 to 10 hours depending on your number of samples and instrument), you will receive an email notification with a link to the results page (see example below).


Spectral Library Match and Network Topology Analysis

For more information about the inspection of the molecular networking results, please refer to the main documentation page.

Web-browser Molecular Network Visualization

Here is an example of web-browser view of molecular networks. Click on the link to view the interactive molecular networks.


Dereplicator - Insilico Peptidic Natural Products Tool

The Insilico Peptidic Natural Products Dereplicator is a bioinformatic tool that allows the annotation of known peptidic natural products in MS/MS data using in silico fragmentation tree. This workflow is also included into the Feature Based Molecular Network workflow, then you have the option to use it by clicking into Advanced External tools. After your job is complete you can explore your results and even clone the Dereplicator job and modify the parameters.

Check out the full documentation for further description settings and citations.


If you use that tool, please cite the DEREPLICATOR papers. See citations in the main DEREPLICATOR documentation.

Inspecting the Results of FBMN in Cytoscape

Cytoscape is an open source software platform used to visualize, analyze and annotate molecular networks from GNPS. See the documentation here


Demo GNPS job of Feature Based Molecular Networking

Here is an example FBMN job with files resulting from MZmine2 processing of a subset of the [American Gut Project] (

Running Network Annotation Propagation

It is possible to use the results of FBMN to run Network Annotation Propagation (NAP). NAP uses spectral networks to propagate information from spectral library matching, in order to improve in silico fragmentation candidate structure ranking. See the following documentation for NAP


If you use that tool, please cite the NAP paper. See citations in the main NAP documentation.

Running MS2LDA Substructure Discovery

The results of FBMN can be directly analyzed with MS2LDA. For this, on the result page click on "Advanced View" > "Analyze with MS2LDA". See the MS2LDA documentation.


MS2LDA is a tool that decomposes molecular fragmentation data derived from large metabolomics experiments into annotated Mass2Motifs or discovers Mass2Motifs from experimental data. Mass2Motifs are fragmentation patterns of often co-occurring mass fragment peaks and/or neutral losses that often represent molecular substructures. Check out the MS2LDA website here where you can find more information, browse through data sets, and sign up for an account to run the Mass2Motif discovery on your own data. At GNPS, we are working with the MS2LDA team to integrate both workflows which allows users to map Mass2Motif occurrences in their Molecular Families.

If you use that tool, please cite MS2LDA papers. See citations in the main MS2LDA documentation.

Viewing the PCoA plot with EMPeror in Qiime2

EMPeror, is an open source and web browser enabled tool that allows researchers to perform rapid exploratory investigations of 3D visualizations of data. To view the PCoA plot (using Bray-Curtis dissimilarity metrics) using the EMPeror Qiime2 pluggin, click on "View qiime2 Emperor Plots".


Citation for EMPeror: Yoshiki Vázquez-Baeza, Meg Pirrung, Antonio Gonzalez, and Rob Knight. Gigascience, 2(1):16, 2013. doi:10.1186/2047-217X-2-16.

Citation for Qiime2: Bolyen, E. et al. QIIME 2: Reproducible, interactive, scalable, and extensible microbiome data science. (PeerJ Preprints, 2018). doi:10.7287/peerj.preprints.27295v2

Video Tutorial - Analyze Feature Based Molecular Networking in GNPS

This video presents


See our tutorial on using MZmine2 for FBMN analysis of a cohort from the American Gut Project, and our tutorial on running a FBMN analysis on GNPS.


Source code

Input files requirements

  • The Feature Table (.TXT or CSV file) needs to have unique Feature IDentifier (integer) for each LC-MS1 feature that must match the "SCANS=" header of the corresponding spectrum in the MS/MS spectral file (.MGF file). Note that the number of LC-MS1 features in the Feature Table can be larger than the number of LC-MS1 features with a spectrum in the MS/MS spectral file. And the Feature IDentifier does not have to be sequencial. As a result, the Feature Table can contain LC-MS1 feature that doesn't have an associated MS/MS scan in the MS/MS spectral file. The PCoA generated with qiime2 EMPeror uses the entire content of Feature Table provided.

  • The format of the Feature Table should be consistent with the representative Feature Table provided on this page. Note that internally, the Feature Table file inputted by the user are converted to a standard MZmine2 format prior to FBMN analysis in GNPS. The python scripts used for the conversion Feature Table from various software are available here. If you want to add support for another LC-MS processing tool, contact us.


This work builds on the efforts of our many colleagues, please make sure to cite the papers for their processing tools and the GNPS paper:

Wang, M. et al. Sharing and community curation of mass spectrometry data with Global Natural Products Social Molecular Networking. Nat. Biotechnol. 34, 828–837 (2016).

Page contributors

Louis Felix Nothias (UCSD), Ming Wang (UCSD, Laura-Isobel McCall (University of Oklahoma), Andrés Mauricio Caraballo Rodríguez (UCSD)


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